Monday, 6 October 2014

Time for a makeover!

...and the word 'time' is the key one here. As most of you know, I also write (and blog) as Zara Stoneley, and I've been finding it increasingly difficult to keep everything up to date. So, I've had a clean out, a makeover, a clean sweep!

At the start of my career as Zara, I only wrote erotic romance - and so it seemed to make sense to keep the naughty stuff in one place, and the not so racy stuff somewhere else. But when my publisher, Harper Collins, asked me to release Stable Mates under the name Zara Stoneley things changed.

I've now got everything in one place, on my website which can be found HERE.

Details of all my books are there, with News and updates about my writing life, book signings and tours. Plus I blog about Tippermere, Barcelona, and have posts from Guest Authors.

All in one place, which makes life much simpler... and gives me more time to write.

Let me know if you like the new, fresh look - and if you think there's anything missing!

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