Monday, 16 April 2012

What happened to January, February and March?

I can't believe that it's the middle of April! Easter seems a distant memory already and the school re-opened today after the hols, so it's back to some peace and quiet and catching up on a mountain of things I've been neglecting i.e. house, garden, fridge.....

At the weekend we finally got out in the garden and started a tidy up, which was quite therapeutic after spending so much time indoors at the keyboard. We also put a base down for a BBQ (yes, I'm sure we're going to have some sun in the UK this summer!) and uncovered the garden furniture - and it was actually warm enough to sit outside and have breakfast on the patio which is lovely and sheltered. Even the hard top came off the car!

It's this time of year that I miss my horse though, spring is a great time to be out and about after that horrible cold winter bit when the tips of your fingers feel like they are going to drop off, and before there are too many flies about. Yes, I miss the good bits, and horses make such good companions, but it has been quite nice not wading through the mud with buckets over the winter. Still when life settles down again it would be great to find another nice horse....

So what happened to the first three months of the year? Well if you've read my previous post you'll know that I've recently had a book accepted for e-publication. It has all been a bit of a whirlwind, from start to finish with 'Forfeit'. Official release day is Thursday and I'll be celebrating over at Zara Stoneley, but today I noticed that it's already for sale on Amazon!! Thursday though is when OH will be home, so that's when we celebrate :-)

Today I got some really positive comments from an editor about a romance I submitted a short while ago, so I'm crossing my fingers on that one too....

And the rest of the year? Well I have a ten day blog tour arranged with Lucy Felthouse, at Writer Marketing Services which starts at the end of May which will keep me busy, plus I'm working on a new erotic romance (which has hot men, horses and tumbles in the hay) and another romantic novella (a geek girl and a hot guy who just knows he can draw her out of her shell) which is bubbling away in the background.

And I'm just dying to get out in the garden as soon as we get some hot weather: soaking up the sun, pottering, drinking wine and BBQ'ing (well OH will be in charge of the BBQ)...... what about you?

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